• Polyurethane


We are Polyurethane specialists for industrial needs for a variety of needs:
* Coupling
* V – Roller
* Roller
* Stopper
* Mounting
* Seal Presure.
* Hydraulic Seals
* Tumblingg.
* Stinger Roller.
* Coating Pipe.
* Clamp.
* Wheel Forklifts.
* Rotary.
* Floour.
* Roof foam.
* Etc

Application Of Product Polyurethane :

Roller Hook Crane

DRIVE WHEEL Load Wheel Hand Jack  Koupling Wheel Stinger RollerRoller Plug Roller

3 3 16 KAMPUNG 4613 3 16 KAMPUNG 4783 3 16 KAMPUNG 1696

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